Main Street Portraits, 2011 by Nathan Jones

Nikon FM2N, Nikkor 50 mm f/1.4 AI, Fuji Pro 400H.

What beautiful skin tones! I wish that I had shot more Pro 400H while it was available. I have only a single roll left in my refrigerator. It expired more than a decade ago. I had been reserving it for a special project, but I think I should just go ahead and expose it before it becomes unusable.

My friend RJR and I met the young woman featured in this pair of photographs on Main Street in Vancouver while we were out shooting one Saturday morning—our regular weekend activity for about two years in 2010-2012. She is holding my Rolleiflex Automat Model 3, built in 1949, which I purchased in rough condition from a used camera shop in Valparaiso, Chile, in 2009.

Crossing, Summer, 2011 by Nathan Jones

Nikon FE2, Nikkor 50 mm f/1.4 AI, Kodak Gold 400.

Views of and from the Vancouver Convention Centre by Nathan Jones

Leica R7, 28 mm f/2.8 Elmarit, Fomapan 100, Kodak D76.

Vancouver Skylines by Nathan Jones

Leica R7, 28 mm f/2.8 Elmarit, Fomapan 100, Kodak D76.

Winch Aboard the Island Kwigwis by Nathan Jones

Leica R7, 50 mm f/2 Summicron, Fomapan 100, Kodak D76.

Current position of the Island Kwigwis.